On January 10 the judge in Trump's hush money case reached a decision making Trump a convicted felon. He had been found guilty in May of falsifying business records. The judge decided "out of respect for the presidency" to give Trump an unconditional discharge, allowing him to go free without serving any time in jail.
IndieDems Comment:
When assessing Trump’s felony conviction, remember his other displays of contempt for Christian principles and common morality:
-Committed wanton violations of God’s Commandments against lying, committing adultery, and stealing
-Sexually assaulted a woman and slandered her for telling the truth
-Mocked a handicapped person
-Called U.S. soldiers losers and suckers
-Called women fat, ugly, of low intellect, Miss Piggy, bimbo, & dog
-Gratuitously pardoned convicted felons, including some found guilty of violent crimes.
It defies human imagination that many Americans consider this immoral cretin fit to be President. I ask you Republicans who support him: how do you tell your children Trump is their role model, and then send them to church to learn to be faithful to God's Ten Commandments and Jesus' admonitions to "love they neighbor as thyself" and "do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Where in God's name is any of Jesus' Golden Rule in anything Trump has said or done? Give us some specific quotes from Trump's own words, please.