

The Washington Post - 5/23/24


Former senior Republican national security experts state: Returning Trump to the position of commander in chief and leader of the free world is just as scary on a global front as it is on the domestic.

Post columnist Jennifer Rubin's conclusion after listening to the Republican voices: "anyone who cares about democracy, NATO, Middle East peace and the United States’ role as the “indispensable” nation should consider the prospect of a second (and third!) Trump term an unmitigated disaster."

(Excerpt) Trump keeps doing appalling things: In just the past couple of days, he nearly got thrown out of the second defamation trial brought against him by a woman who, according to a jury, he sexually abused, and then claimed on social media that presidents should enjoy absolute immunity from criminal prosecution even when they “cross the line.” But his misdeeds have lost the capacity to shock, and they no longer drive conversations. That might change if he is once again president, but like a virus, he won’t generate as strong a reaction when he’s no longer novel.

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Newsweek 1/2/2024

“The elections technology expert who former President Donald Trump's 2020 campaign hired to find voter fraud debunked Trump's claims again in a scathing op-ed in USA Today. Ken Block, founder of the analytics company that Trump contracted in the wake of the last presidential election, said on January 2 that the extensive research his company did found no evidence that election fraud contributed to President Joe Biden's win.: He blasted Trump's "steady diet of lies and innuendo."


Tim Alberta "grew up steeped in Christianity’s right-wing subculture," defending evangelicals like his father against their critics. Now, he has written a book The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory that lays bare the corruption of Christ's message that lies at the heart of Christian nationalism.

See The Atlantic: The Only Thing More Dangerous than Authoritarianism.