
As Expected,  Trump Delivers Sledgehammer Blows against Basic American and Christian Values

By Thomas
January 22, 2025
"Democracy Under Siege as Trump's Rein of Terror Begins"
IndieDems Comment:

It's stunningly clear: Republicans have the same deranged mentality towards Trump as he destroys democracy and the rule of law, that Germans had towards Hitler as he slaughtered the Jews and started WWII. Republicans, you recall, elected Trump after he heaped exuberant praise on murderous dictators Putin and Kim Jung Un. For both the Germans and the Republicans, sucking up to a depraved dictatorship is not only normal. it gives them great pleasure. Such authoritarian-loving brains are beyond cure.

The lies are unceasing. Never forget: the Republican Party accepts lying as normal, a way of life. Why any American would entrust the future of the United States to congenital liars defies human imagination. Lying violates one of God's Ten Commandments. What a quaint, irrelevant idea, say Republicans. Until they need justification for repealing Roe v Wade and passing stringent anti-abortion laws that result in women dying for lack of proper medical care. "Read the Bible," they shout. Only, the Bible does not say a word about abortion. Meaning: neither does Jesus.

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