
Trump Unleashes Brutal Attack on GA Gov. Kemp, SOS Raffensperger. GA GOP Divisions Intensify, Jeopardizing November Victory

By Thomas
August 5, 2024

Donald Trump visited Atlanta on Saturday, August 3, to deliver a presidential campaign speech but used the occasion to deliver a harsh and unprecedented attack on Georgia’s Republican leaders, Governor Brian Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. Trump has viewed them as his political enemies since they refused to cave in to his attempt to subvert the results of the 2020 presidential returns that gave Joe Biden Georgia’s Elecroral College votes. Trump’s has never wavered in his Big Lie that the election was stolen from him.

But the viciousness of his attack left the public and GA Republicans stunned. According to the AJC, Trump launched a diatribe on social media even before taking the stage in Atlanta, berating Kemp and his wife Marty as traitors to the GOP cause.

Once on the stage before thousands of supporters gathered at a Georgia State University arena, Trump escalated his attacks, saying Kemp and his allies “want us to lose” in November. Under Kemp’s watch, he added, “the state has gone to hell” and Atlanta became a “killing field.”

Many Georgia Republicans were mystified and irate at Trump’s fusillades. They cringed at what they saw as a massive miscalculation, believing that Trump’s stoking of intra-Party divisions could lead to Georgia once more voting Blue  in November.

Kemp was livid over Trump dragging his wife Marty into the political fray: “Leave my family out of it.”

Trump’s Rabid Georgia Fans Double Down on their Obeisance

Excerpts from the AJC:

  • Amy Kremer, the newly electedRepublican National Committee member from Georgia, amplified a social media post from pro-Trump lawyer Cleta Mitchell that said Kemp and other GOP officials deserved the backlash.
  • “This will never stop until there is accountability,” Kremer wrote on X. “Lock them up!”
  • Republican state Sen. Colton Moore of Trenton, who was exiled from the GOP caucusa year ago, echoed Trump’s accusation that Kemp was trying to hinder him in November by saying the governor should “campaign for commie Kamala.
  • And ultraconservative activist Kandiss Taylor promised to mobilize election deniers and organize “an offensive” to “secure” Georgia’s vote.


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