
Religious Leaders Remain Silent Even as Trump Threatens to Execute Innocents

By Thomas
June 19, 2024

In recent days, IndieDems used social media to send an open letter to some pastors in Metro Atlanta, asking their response to comments by Trump that, to us, seem to be wanton disregard for the Christian ethos. Here is the one sent to Pastor Jeremy Morton of the First Baptist Church of Woodstock. Only the name was changed in the copy sent to other clerics.

Open Letter to Lead Pastor Jeremy Morton
First Baptist Church of Woodstock
Woodstock, GA

Dear Pastor Morton,

Over the weekend of June 15-16, former White House communications director Alyssa Farah Griffin stated that President Trump had called for the execution of disloyal staffers. Trump was furious about leakers in his administration and insisted they should be put to death. Former Attorney General Bill Barr confirmed that during his tenure at the White House, Trump often mentioned executing his political adversaries.

And, of course, Trump in a social media post last September said that General Milley, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, deserved to be executed for “disloyalty” to Trump. Trump while president regularly dressed down military officials, calling Milley a “dumbass” in 2021 and former Secretary of Defense James Mattis “the world’s most overrated general.”

My question to you, Pastor Morton: Do you believe calling for the execution of innocent people and insulting them is a gross violation of the teachings of Jesus Christ, that deserves condemnation by all true Christians?

Look forward to your answer.

Tom Barksdale

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