
Two GA Republican U.S. Representatives Besmirch the State

By Thomas
May 11, 2024

From the AJC:

Georgia deserves better from Marjorie Taylor Greene, Mike Collins


  • Collins last week posted a video taken at the University of Mississippi, in which a Black female student is taunted and harassed by a group of young white men. One young man dances and makes monkey noises at her before the crowd chants “Lock her up!” Collins’ caption for the video: “Ole Miss taking care of business.”
  • Collins issued an apology of sorts, saying, he recognized that there seemed to have been “some potentially inappropriate behavior.”
  • He then returned to social media to joke about Robert F. Kennedy Jr. saying that a parasitic worm had eaten part of his brain. Collins’ idea of humor: “You either die a Kennedy with a hole in the brain or live long enough to become a Kennedy with a hole in the brain,”
  • Greene, for her part, made her long-threatened run at Speaker of the House Mike Johnson and missed badly, getting just 10 fellow Republicans to go along with her.
IndieDems comment:

Collins’ words were flagrantly racist and insulting. Greene’s brazen publicity stunt distracted the House from doing its real business. Collins and Greene, of course, consider themselves to be committed Christians serving the interests of their constituents,  and so far as IndieDems can determine, no religious or Republican leaders in Georgia has declared otherwise.


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